Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing

In the current scenario, MSMEs in Punjab are using conventional technologies & practices for operation & production, resulting in low productivity & product quality and dependence on un-skilled or semi-skilled workforce. MSME lacks awareness about the technological advancements at Global or even at National level which poses threat to its survival.

Advance Manufacturing is the way forward for survivability of the State’s MSME sector. It has the ability to fundamentally change the way we design, deliver, produce and sustain our capabilities. It can decrease design limitations imposed by traditional manufacturing methods and allow us to produce  complex parts more easily. It also acts as a catalyst for increase in productivity in the manufacturing sector which would help in increasing the contribution of manufacturing from 15 % to 25 % of GDP by 2022 under 'National Manufacturing Policy' of GoI . Technologies such as Additive manufacturing, Advanced robotics, IOT would ultimately lead to success of "Make in India" initiative.

PSCST is providing support to MSMEs in the state for technology up-gradation, creating awareness through sensitization programs on advanced manufacturing including Industry 4.0, facilitating industry by match making with the domain expert and academia to  indigenous  the global technologies in order to have cost effective solutions.