


In 1971, Shri C Subramanium, the then Union Minister for Science and Technology and Chairman, National Council for Science & Technology initiated a dialogue with Chief Ministers of all the States emphasizing upon extending support through State Governments to attain developmental goals using Science and Technology. For this, he suggested the establishment of State Science & Technology Councils.

As a result, the process of State level planning and Promotion of Science & Technology began in the Sixth Five Year Plan (1980-85) and continued through the subsequent Five Year Plans. Due to catalytic role played by DST-GOI and support of Planning Commission and Governments of respective States, the State S&T Councils were set-up in all the States.

The process of establishing S&T Councils ensured integration of S&T for overall socio–economic development with special emphasis on location specific needs and research, development of appropriate technologies and their adaptation and transfer to beneficiaries. It also accelerated S&T studies/surveys, information exchange & experience sharing. DST-GOI also instituted State Science and Technology Programme to synergize the S&T ecosystem between Centre and States for overall development in the country. Currently, 28 State Councils for S&T are being supported under this programme.

The Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, set up on July 21, 1983 as autonomous society under State Department of Science & Technology started functioning effectively in 1988. It serves as State level node of Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and think-tank of Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Govt. of Punjab.