Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Community Engagement

PSCST works extensively to ensure that technologies developed by research institutions do not remain restricted to laboratories but percolate to the society at large. This has led to effective diffusion of several innovations at grass root level that generated sustainable livelihoods and holistic benefits for rural community.

Past Endeavors On-going Initiatives
  • Set up facility for value addition of local bio-resources in Kandi area.
  • Units for Essential Oil Extraction to promote aromatic crop cultivation and processing
  • Promotion of Natural Vinegar, Biofertilizers, Biopesticides production
  • Forced Circulation solar drying of bio resources
  • Setting up units in PPP mode to demonstrate techno-economically feasible ex-situ management of paddy straw
  • Promoting scientific production and fortification of jaggery
  • Bamboo cultivation and processing
  • Pectin Production from Hill Lemon
  • Fuel Pellets from Rural Biomass