key Initiatives



The age in which we are living is a scientific age. What we have achieved in the developmental process can only be communicated to the public by undertaking mass awareness programmes of science communication and popularization through which we can inform, educate and increase sense of wonderment about science. However, for doing this, development of scientific attitude, scientific temper and scientific methods are must. The development of scientific temper is also enshrined in the Article 51A (h) of Indian Constitution which says that it shall be the duty of every citizen of India to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform.

Punjab State Council for Science & Technology has identified STI Outreach as one of its key areas of operation with an aim to take Science & Technology to the grass root levels in Punjab. PSCST is implementing all flagship programs of Government of India for popularizing STEM education and creating environment consciousness in the state.


Children’s Science Congress

The National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) is a flagship programme of NCSTC, DST, GoI. It is organized every year since 1993 to provide an opportunity to children of 10-17 years to prepare short projects using scientific temperament and learning the scientific methodology for observation, collection of data, experimentation, analysis, arriving at conclusions, documentation and presenting the findings. It is organized at district, state and national levels throughout the country. PSCST is the nodal agency for organizing CSC in Punjab. Each year more than 10,000 students and teachers of the state participate in the congress.



Environment Education Programme

Punjab State Council for Science & Technology as the state implementing agency for Environment Education Program of Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Govt. of India conducts workshops, projects, exhibitions, campaigns, competitions and nature camps to sensitize children/ youth on issues related to environment and to motivate them to adopt sustainable lifestyles. This program leverages on the strength of Eco-clubs formed in more than 6200 school and college eco-clubs across the state. Under EEP, initiatives like Green Schools Program, Campaign on Conservation of Wetlands, Celebration of World Environment Day and Biodiversity Day, Nature Camps, Hands-on-Training Workshops on Vermi-composting and Utilization of Water Hyacinth, Environment Film Festivals, Mobile Journalism workshops, Zero Plastic Waste School Campaigns and Science Festival on Mission LiFE are organized involving more than 12 lac students across the state.



Celebrating Science


Every year, February 28th is celebrated as the National Science Day while December 22nd is celebrated as National Mathematics Day. These annual programs are organized to promote STEM education and internalize STI through multiple activities. PSCST collaborates with Universities, Colleges, R&D institutions and schools to celebrate NSD and NMD which involve around 1.00 lac people each year. Activities such as innovation contests, workshops, lectures, exhibitions, debates, competitions etc. are organized each year around a central theme. Essay writing completion for children of 12-17 years of age is also organized.


Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) Network on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

PSCST has taken the lead in setting up Regional Centre of Expertise Chandigarh (RCE Chandigarh) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). The RCE has been recognized by United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), Japan as the 10th RCE in India and the 100th Global RCE. RCE Chandigarh has identified its vision as 'Small steps at regional level to giant steps at global level'. The Centre has identified State Institute of Science Education, Punjab School Education Board, SCERT, various schools and colleges in Chandigarh and Mohali and a few NGOs as its partners for taking the Sustainable Development Goals forward. RCE Chandigarh is promoting ESD related activities within the region.

Motivational Programs & Industrial Visits for Bright Students

Meritorious matriculate students are chosen under this program to motivate them for pursuing careers in Science & Technology by sensitizing them about the science and technology related works going on in various laboratories, industries universities and R&D institutions of the state. In addition, Industrial Visits/ visits to S&T establishments are taken up regularly to expose students to the scientific concepts of the cutting edge research, career choices in Science & Technology and expose students and teachers to technological opportunities deployed for addressing societal challenges in their vicinity.


Trainings and Capacity Building Programs

PSCST regularly organizes capacity building and training workshops on different aspects of STI for teachers and students at the state as well as regional levels. Few prominent programs organized during the last few years are Teaching of Mathematics through Origami, Visual Explanation of Geometrical Theorems, Plasma Science & Technology and Energy from Nuclear Fusion, Capacity building on Climate Change issues, Puppetry for Science & Technology communication, Science behind Miracles, Innovative Physics teaching workshops etc.



Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research (AWSAR)

PSCST organizes workshops for capacity building of research scholars on writing popular science articles and science stories. In the workshops, the experts give inputs to articulate the research work conducted in Universities and R&D Institutions in a language easily understandable by common people.



Science Communication Popularization & Its Extension (SCoPE) in Punjabi

To promote and popularize science, technology & innovation in Punjabi, PSCST launched project Science Communication Popularization & Its Extension (SCoPE) with support from Vigyan Prasar, DST, GoI. The project involves publication of monthly e-science magazine ‘Jigyasa’, translation & publication of popular science books, organization of capacity building workshops and preparation of resource material. Under SCoPE, monthly radio talks on S&T popularization are also broadcast by All India Radio (AIR), Patiala.


Science Communication under Corporate Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR)

Under the Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) policy for translation of scientific knowledge in achieving social goals, PSCST is collaborating with corporate to promote science. The first initiative is the implementation of Wipro Earthian Educators Award Program to build capacity on environment sustainability by engaging teachers & students of Punjab. Under this initiative, Govt. High School Dasgrain (Ropar) and Govt. Smart Senior Secondary School, Patiala have been conferred with National Award of Rs. 50,000/-, citation and travel for students and teacher by Wipro Foundation at Bangalore.


PSCST has also collaborated with Learning Links Foundation, Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog & Dell Technologies to organize Gaming Solution and SHE Codes Programme to make effective use of the disruptive technology tools available in the Atal Tinkering Labs with an aim to imbibe innovation-centric learning for the students.


Vigyan Mela

PSCST regularly organizes state and district level Vigyan Mela under its STEM Outreach Program to bring together students, teachers and general public to witness many hand-on-activities of science in interesting and fun-filled manner. Activity Corners by eminent Resource Persons of National as well as State stature are set-up in the Vigyan Mela. In addition, night sky watching, screening of science films and science dramas are organized for the participating student and teachers. Competitions for middle, high and secondary school students are also organized through Quiz, Declamation, Posters, Essay Writing and Model-making in which large number of students participate. The Vigyan Mela witness large number of participation and evince keen response from the print, electronic as well as social media.



Facilitation of School Students to ISRO Launch Site


PSCST is regularly facilitating the visit of selected school students of Punjab to witness the launch of satellites from the ISRO launch site at Sriharikota with an aim to create their interest in science & space technology. The first batch of 30 students accompanied by the Minister School Education, Punjab and PSCST officials visited Sriharikota to witness the historic launch of Chandrayaan-3 on 14th July, 2023. Thereafter, PSCST has facilitated the visit of two more batches of students to witness the launch of PSLV-C56/DS-SAR & AdityaL-1 Missions at Sriharikota.






Contact Person(s):

Dr. K.S. Bath
Joint Director
Email: kulbirsingh[dot]bath[at]punjab[dot]gov[dot]in

Dr. Mandakini Thakur
Project Scientist
Email: mandakini[dot]thakur[at]punjab[dot]gov[dot]in